Excellent article. It helps me articulate my own thoughts on this matter, as well as why I find it useful to engage with some on the other side of the political spectrum from me, but not others.

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Currently, defeating wokeism seems impossible. Canel culture has started infecting both sides and now it seems that if you defend free speech or any kind of freedom, you're the problem. Bill Maher has always been liberal, and yet now the left attacks him as being a conservative puppet, the right thinks he is their golden boy though all the while he is still a liberal.

When did it become wrong to say you believe in free speech? And why is it now that when you are against being woke that you're anti human rights? It doesn't make sense.

Great read. Thank you for the share.

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We got to see how this worked when the Evil Orange Man was elected. So many liberals lost their minds and became authoritarians. Covid made it ten times worse. A lot of them are starting to realize that the price for it all will be very high.

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I'm flattered that you called me a thoughtful American, but I'm Dutch (with a weird hobby in American politics, hence the reference to Florida).

You've made me think, do I see liberalism as a goal in itself or as a means to fight CSJ? I think I loathe all forms of authoritarianism, but I dislike the left-wing version a bit more.

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Damn it. I was sure you were American!

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I'll just interpret that to mean that my English is very good.

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Of course it is. You are Dutch. You probably speak German and French too. The Dutch are annoying like that.

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